👋 Welcome!

Hi there! I’ve recently started using a TechTree Bounty board - a curated list of open tech roles from fast-growing tech companies across Europe which I share with my community on a regular basis!

The interesting things is, each role on my Bounty board has a reward that can be claimed by my network for referring their friends to the jobs - think of it as the money that typically gets paid to a recruiter and a better incentive to get great recommendations!

I’m now inviting you to also start sharing any tech roles that you are looking to hire for on my Bounty board!

It’s easy to get going and I’d love to help you start finding great people from my community - check out the details below 👇


<aside> 👉 Want to post Bounties on my Bounty board? Get started


⚙ How it Works

  1. Choose your roles: Let TechTree know which roles you need help with via the registration form.
  2. Create a budget for the role: Set a Bounty fee at any level you like - the bigger the Bounty, the more attractive!
  3. Publish: Once your roles are live on TechTree, they’ll also be shared:

💰 Pricing